Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Star Wars Pillowcases

Once a upon a time.....there was an ordinary pillow case...he enjoyed his life and loved being a very good friend to a Master Jedi but he just felt that he life wasn't quite complete yet...
 until one day when his head was cut off.....but not to fret as something better was coming along the way...
What is going to happen now you may wonder??? What will become of the head-less pillowcase??? Just you wait and see......
Ta-Da Star Wars who would have ever guessed right???? So his new and much more glorious head was attached to his life-less body...now becoming a proper place for his Jedi Master to lay his head on....
 My two little handsomes are OBESSED and I mean completely taken over by Star Wars...it doesn't help that their mom encourages their love...passion for it either...
I had made some Thomas pillowcases for my little man when Xander (my 8 year old) asked why he never had any Star Wars pillowcases made for him....My reply thinking I am totally off the hook was when they make some Star Wars fabric I will make you a pillowcase.

Haha little did I know that the very NEXT week while I was at JoAnn's I would find Star Wars fabric and cut fabric too....Oh bugger...So i bought some fabric to make Xander some.....
 When Ryker (my 4 year old) replied "why don't I get any?"  Man I am a SUCKER....what started out at one.....then became three...we had to add a little Clone Wars to make it Just right or so I was told by the 4 year old.....
 apparently Star Wars isn't Star Wars if you don't have the original and the clone wars....
 I love letting my little/big boys imaginations go wild and now with their new pillowcases I am pretty positive that their slumber will be all the more fascinating than before as that is the last thing they get to see before they head off to sleepy slumber.

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