Tuesday, April 17, 2012

a quick fix

Some times all you need is a simple quick fix to make it just right....So we came across this amazing box...yes it was an old silver ware box but once I saw it I FELL IN LOVE WITH  IT as it had lots of curves and super cute feet!!!!  I mean who doesn't love cute feet right???

 I left it brown for a while but it just wasn't working....So I busted out the white paint and went to work...then I pulled out the sandpaper...I really wanted to bring out the curves and details.
 Don't you just love my hand model....he was so "helpful" that day...he's so cute! 

So just by changing the color of a piece you can get a totally different look.
oh and yes I added the XI back I just forgot to put it back when I took the picture.  I love the new look as it balances out the top.
This is my helper...and this is really how great he looks when  I am working on something because he can get into whatever he wants if his mom is not paying attention......
what a character

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